January 23, 2025


Health Blog

Endemic Disease

endemic disease
An endemic disease is a type of disease wherein it affects a particular group of people in a certain area or geographical location. However, it can also be spread beyond that place affecting more groups of people in general. It is constantly present but rarely caused an outbreak. You can <a href="http://www.mobilemouthguards.com.au/gallery/">browse the gallery</a> of this site to know how it looks like when infected with these diseases.

An endemic disease is a type of disease wherein it affects a particular group of people in a certain area or geographical location. However, it can also be spread beyond that place affecting more groups of people in general. It is constantly present but rarely caused an outbreak. You can browse the gallery of this site to know how it looks like when infected with these diseases.

Such diseases can be classified into two – holoendemic and hyperendemic diseases. It is considered as Holoendemic if it affects all the population and symptoms virtually appears in the early age groups. It may be asymptomatic to other people but are still considered as carriers. On the other hand, hyperendemic is a disease that is always at high occurrences that affect all ages of a certain population equally.

Examples of Endemic Diseases

  1. Malaria

A disease caused by a Protozoan Parasite (Plasmodium spp.) with mosquito as its primary host and carrier. It is said to originate and endemic to Africa where the environment and temperature is perfect for the disease to cultivate.

  1. Hepatitis B Virus

An endemic disease that affects the liver and can be transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood and semen. It is considered endemic in East (except Japan), Southeast, Middle East and Central parts of Asia and other pacific countries.

  1. Chickenpox

A disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus that is most common in children. A contagious disease that is endemic worldwide most frequent in an unvaccinated individual.

  1. African Sleeping Sickness

The disease is particular in the Sub-Saharan Desert that affects the central Nervous System of the body.

endemic diseaseAn epidemic, or the sudden outbreak of disease that is widespread to different geographic locations, can become endemic if the disease became prevalent from that specific place.

How to Prevent Acquiring Endemic Diseases

Before traveling, it is important to research the place including the diseases present. Taking safety precautions such as getting vaccinated, washing hands, and not sharing utensil and personal items can significantly reduce the chance of acquiring the disease.