Swine Flu has, unfortunately, gained a lot of popularity in modern India. Known as a pig’s flu, this virus can actually be transmitted via infected pigs to human beings and cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. The human infection is caused by a specific virus H1N1 strain that’s responsible for many complications and worsening of existing health issues. Here is a brief overview of this type of influenza.
Signs and symptoms
Swine Flu presents itself with symptoms that are similar to those of similar flu strains. The most usual symptoms a patient will experience are the following: sore throat, fever, headaches, chills, cough, body itchiness and a runny nose.
How does the virus enter the human body?
Influenza viruses infect the respiratory system of humans. The areas near the nose, throat, and lungs are particularly sensitive to that particular virus strain. The virus enters the human body when the person inhales contaminated droplets or comes in close touch with another infected person or surface.
Effective treatment options
As in most influenza cases, Swine Flu is mostly treated symptomatically. Some antiviral drugs, including Tamiflu, are usually prescribed to reduce the severity of some symptoms, but scientists have actually found out that most of the flu viruses are actually resistant to them.
In order to get over the unpleasant symptoms of influenza quickly, the patient needs to stay at home for at least 5 days and rest as much as possible. Eating healthily and avoiding activities, like smoking or drinking can also, make the patient get over influenza quickly.
Flu vaccination for everyone aged more than 6 months is the key to real prevention. Particularly those of us who belong to high-risk groups, including immunosuppressed patients, pregnant women, elderly people, as well as people suffering from chronic respiratory conditions, like asthma or emphysema should definitely receive the vaccine every year. After all, prevention is always preferable to treatment.
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