The skin has many layers that need protection from the effects of a harsh environment. Necessarily, spots like a red mole on skin (Cherry Angioma) can suggest having a specialized doctor’s opinion first. It is vital not to remove these blemishes on the skin on your own. Moreover, many procedures like mole removal are available from dermatologists that you can schedule an appointment. Do you know why red moles show up? Does a red mole on skin cause skin cancer? We will be answering these questions to clarify if prolonged sun exposure and other causes may be dangerous.
What Are Types Of Moles In The Skin?
Moles are an indication that our skin is not producing the melanin the proper way. Moles happen when the melanin grows in a cluster and doesn’t spread throughout the body. These cells, also known as melanocytes, causes the discoloration of the skin. Additionally, sun exposure can cause the skin to produce more melanin. Hence, there are discolorations in the skin. Along with this thought, moles show up more frequently. Here are some types of moles you may be familiar when looking at a mirror:
Congenital Mole
Congenital nevus or nevi are common for newborn babies until toddlers. However, if the congenital mole doesn’t disappear before 5 and above, it may be part of the skin forever. Although most congenital moles do not cause skin cancer, it is possible to have higher risks of melanoma. A plastic surgeon can remove the congenital nevi as early as the parent wants the operation. However, it is best to consult a general health care physician to know what to expect during the surgery.
Acquired Mole
Benign moles may show up once a person grows older, which also causes melanoma or skin cancer if ever it becomes more abundant. An acquired mole can become red moles or cherry angioma or other brown or black spots. Sun exposure is one of the main reasons for having an acquired mole. Hormonal changes in the body, immunosuppression and chemotherapy are also one of the main reasons for having an acquired mole.
Atypical Mole
Unusual looking moles can become a risk for skin cancer depending on its size, color, and asymmetry. Other factors such as its border and if it spreads beyond the area already is a symptom of possible cancerous health disease. Consult a doctor as soon as you see these symptoms of dysplastic nevi or atypical mole. Children can rarely develop melanoma, but exposure to people can have higher risks. Only one in a million children can develop this cancer below the age of 15. Additionally, if a child has a sun-sensitive phenotype, genetic disorder, or any other form of cancer may get this dangerous health risk.
What Are Red Moles? (Cherry Angioma)
Have you ever wondered why spots like red moles show in the skin? The causes of these moles are still unknown. When there is the growth of blood vessels or capillaries in certain places, it becomes a red mole or cherry angioma. It is observable that these red moles or cherry angioma grow on adults around 30 years old and above. It is a noncancerous lesion on skin and should not get anyone thinking of skin cancer such as melanoma. However, some doctors say if there is a breakout of cherry angioma and has more than 50 spots, a patient should visit a doctor’s office soon. People who may want to remove these red spots can ask an opinion from a cosmetic surgeon before a removal procedure.
Can Red Moles On Skin Cause Skin Cancer?
Sometimes, sun exposure can make our melanin react to the harmful ultraviolet rays that the skin absorbs. Hence, there are various reasons why a person needs to apply sun exposure lotion to prevent skin cancer. Dermatologist and other skincare experts say that red moles or cherry angioma are harmless for a person’s health. On the other hand, if you force to remove a red mole on skin, it may bleed and can even cause more skin problems. It’s a good thing to hear that you can avoid possible skin cancer problems by treating your red moles or cherry angioma with cosmetic surgery.
Treatment for Cherry Angioma
Red moles or cherry angioma doesn’t require medical attention and removal of such spots are purely for cosmetic purposes only. Moreover, if you see any spots on your skin, don’t treat it at home. Having a DIY mole removal can become a huge health risk, especially using unsterilized needles. Moreover, if you are a parent, you can prevent your kids from having dangerous moles by not letting them go to tanning beds and applying the right SPF lotion. On the other hand, adults may be interested in getting surgery to remove the dark spots forever. What are the treatments to remove blemishes such as a red mole on skin?
Radio Frequency (Radiowave)
Basically, a standard procedure to remove cherry angioma is through radio wave surgery. This mild procedure doesn’t feel intrusive since cosmetic doctors apply topical numbing anesthesia before a procedure. But, a patient may still feel a sting during the surgical operation. Rather than cutting away the skin, the dermatologist uses high frequency and vaporization to eliminate the dark cells. Patients may have this procedure as a pain-free option.
Skin Shaving
Surgical excision or skin shaving is an intrusive type of procedure that involves shaving off the layers of skin. There may be additional treatments following skin shaving, such as applying a chemical substance to stop the bleeding or electrosurgical shaving. Doctors prescribe their patients to get this procedure if they have large sizes of moles in their skin.
Laser Removal
Removing moles by using a laser is one of the common procedures done in a cosmetic clinic. Hard to reach areas such as curves on the nose or other similar parts may get laser removal. The process of laser removal involves light radiation and can be helpful to eliminate multiple moles on the skin. Recovery from this surgical procedure is around two weeks. It will be best not to touch or scratch the area of the skin to prevent it from not healing fully.
Cryosurgery (Cryotherapy)
Another non-surgical therapy, cryosurgery or cryotherapy is an innovative way to eliminate the possibility of skin problems. Freezing your blood vessels and capillaries can be an excellent way to remove the undesired blemish. In this therapy, a doctor uses liquid nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide in operation. The temperature must be around -346 and -320°F, where the dark spots freeze once the tool is in contact. Cryosurgery is widely used for cancerous cells, primarily for early treatment of prostate cancer. Hence, the benefits of cryotherapy are great for those whose moles are atypical.
Can A Mole Come Back After Treatment?
Immediately, a patient must not touch their skin despite its side effects of irritation and redness. A mole might come back after treatment if the person didn’t follow the instructions of their cosmetologist. Moreover, moles are natural skin responses. Hence, you can find moles on other parts of your body, not mainly the surgical site. A patient must have a doctor’s consultation to know the consequences and risks of having a mole treatment.
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