The four permanent adult teeth at the back corners of your mouth are called the wisdom teeth. Although it is normal for people to have this, there are instances when it causes infection, pain, and other dental problems. When this happens, you need to have it pulled by a dentist. Ask your dentist for more info about wisdom teeth surgery.
Getting rid of these permanent adult teeth doesn’t end your worries though because you also need to think of post wisdom teeth removal infection. All surgeries may involve some risks and this does not exempt the removal of your wisdom tooth.
Some possible post wisdom teeth removal infection include:
•Dry socket. This occurs when the development of the blood clot fails at the site of the wound or it dislodges prior to the healing of the wound.
•Nerve injury. This may lead to temporary or permanent tingling or numbness.
•Infection. Check for signs of infection like a yellow or white discharge from the wound, high temperature, persistent pain and swelling
•Bleeding. This refers to the oozing of blood from the extraction site
In order to avoid post wisdom teeth removal infection, you need to follow the advice of the oral surgeon or dentist. In the first 24 hours after the tooth removal, you need to avoid:
•drinking hot beverages, caffeinated or carbonated drinks, and alcohol
•eating hard, chewy, spicy food which might get stuck in the socket
•using a straw for drinking since it may dissolve the blood clot from the wound (avoid for a week)
•smoking and chewing tobacco (avoid for a minimum of 72 hours)
•brushing the wound
•rinsing your mouth or using mouthwash
While you are healing from the tooth extraction, it is important to take note of the dentist’s instructions which may include the following:
1.Rest after your dental surgery and resume normal activities the next day or week. Avoid strenuous activity.
2.Drink plenty of water.
3.Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water after meals or every two hours.
4.Be extra careful in brushing your teeth so you won’t touch the wound
5.Avoid excessive spitting which may result into dislodging the blood clot.
6.Buy over-the-counter pain reliever or the drug prescription by the dentist to manage pain.
7.Use ice pack if swelling and bruising occurs.
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